Now a special events venue, the Willis Dairy was established in 1937. F.E. (“Dut”) Willis and Emma Kate Hilliard Willis purchased a 20 acre farm with a two-room farmhouse, now known as Emma Kate’s place, outside the city limits. The farm prospered and quickly grew to a total of 98 acres. In 1948 F.E. Willis, Jr. (“Edward”) and his wife Doris Ann Akridge Willis took over and grew the farm into the largest independent milk producer in North Florida. Edward and Doris supplied grocery stores and schools all over the Big Bend area, they supplied state offices and provided home delivery and drive-thru service. Their glass bottles and red/white cartons were a fixture throughout the region. Edward and Doris were recognized as the Leon County Farm Family of the year in 1958 and 3rd best farmer in the state of Florida. Edward was recognized as Outstanding Dairyman in Florida in 1962-1963. Due to the encroaching growth of the city and increasingly burdensome government regulation, Edward closed the dairy in 1973.
Over the years the Willis Dairy became an important part of the community in Tallahassee. The dairy operated for over 35 years and won many awards. The Old Willis Dairy remains in the memories and hearts of many long time Tallahassee residents. The dairy has been described as “a farm of gently rolling meadows and woodlands” where “customers drive out the Centerville Road until they get to the old Willis farmhouse, as small Victorian cottage with a black wrought iron fence that borders the front yard. They turn in between brick gate posts, each topped with a white urn filled with flowers. The cars pull through the driveway, around a circle and stop before the tiny store build into the end of a one-time barn.” Many remember Edward Willis or his wife coming to the car and taking the empty milk bottles and taking orders for fresh milk. Those who were children at the time recall leaping from the car and running out to look at the calves and the pastures dotted with cows. The Old Willis Dairy has its own special place in Tallahassee history. Today Frank and Peper Willis preserve those memories and continue to share them with the public through special events and community partnerships.
Another way in which Frank and Peper preserve the history of the Old Willis Dairy is through the preservation of the former Willis Dairy House aka Emma Kate’s Place. Originally constructed as a two-room residence c. 1889, a one-story addition was constructed to the rear of the residence c. 1935. The historic section of the parcel includes the original two-rooms and the c. 1935 addition. The brick piers foundation supports the wood-frame walls, which are clad in wood siding. The one-story, rectangular section has a cross-gabled roof covered by 3V crimp sheet metal. Ornamentation includes wood window surrounds, exposed rafter tails, and vents at the gable peaks. Fenestration includes c. 2010 replacement 2/2 double hung sash windows and a four-light wood front door. A wraparound open porch with a hip roof is located on the northwest and northeast elevations and features columns and balustrade. The brick steps, porch, and prominent brick chimney may have been part of the restoration/improvements to the property that were completed c. 2010. And that black wrought iron fence that bordered the front yard, recreated down to the last detail during the 2010 renovation. Work on the property also included the construction of two additions with shed roofs at the southwest elevation and a dominant two- story addition to the rear. Great effort was made to preserve what remained of the original farmhouse and original details were recreated to preserve the character of the site.